Friday, February 12, 2010

What is a good client to me?

Since I have been in this business in this city for well over 20 years, I have had many, many clients. These clients come in all shapes and sizes. Some have been very difficult and demanding, and some have been very responsive and cooperative. Some allow me to do my job of screening and selecting just the right candidate based on their needs, and some put up road blocks to make that impossible. Some value what I do and some are intimidated by it. Many have come and gone, and then come back. Some I never hear from after our initial contact whether I successfully placed for them or not. Many I have forgotten, but a few very loyal ones I well remember.

I came across Tom Sineni and United Commercial Real Estate over 15 years ago while marketing a talented real estate candidate. Tom and I worked well together, had our Italian heritage in common and developed what was to be a very long, loyal and pleasant business relationship. Tom was responsive, allowed me to do my job, and always valued me as a business solutions partner! Tom created a very busy, hardworking and employee-friendly atmosphere that my candidates and I very much appreciated, so it was a win, win, win situation on nearly every placement occasion.

Tom lost his battle with cancer last week, and the real estate community lost a major contributor. I lost a very dear client.

I doubt I will in my recruiter lifetime meet up with another Tom Sineni. He was one of a kind!

My deepest sympathy to Tom's family, employees, friends, and business associates. He will be greatly missed.

By: Janet Connell
Bullock Personnel

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