Monday, April 26, 2010

Using A Recruiter Provides Benefits

The benefits of using a recruiter lie in their expert ability to search for, identify, qualify and produce an on-target candidate, and then aid in the acquisition of that candidate through the interviewing, negotiation and closing process. For the employer, this eliminates disappointment, lost time, counter offers and turn downs!

Recruiters have a proven method of identifying, attracting, screening and closing top talent that is well regarded even in today's job market. Hiring the best possible candidate is a serious collaboration between recruiter and client; not simply a chance encounter. An employer's goal when turning to a recruiter is to have their overall needs filled, not just the opening.

The relationship should be built on a mutual trust and respect, and a proven track record of success. Recruiters who consistently provide a select few "qualified" candidates, and whose performance and integrity are well-known in the marketplace are invaluable to the successful hiring process today.

Both applicant and employer benefit in a big way from the tight search, deliver and placement process that recruiters provide.

By: Janet Connell
President, Bullock Personnel

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