Monday, October 19, 2009

H1N1-2009 Knowledge is Power and Awareness is Survival

By: Chris Magers

On October 18, 2009, as I was watching this segment on 60 minutes, I found it to be both positive and saddening.

We all know that the H1N1 virus is or was out there, but how many of us know of the H1N1-2009 strain. The video segment discusses this new strain of virus, how it works, the history, and how it has become a pandemic. While the virus itself may only affect 1% of our population it can be truly devastating to that 1%.

In today’s world we have all heard the saying, “Knowledge is Power.” I also believe that “Awareness is Survival!” By being aware of this virus and of its behavior, we can arm ourselves with the knowledge of how to keep its devastating reach at bay, with the decisions we make.

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